Wednesday, July 15, 2009

The Future of Social Media

I am hooked. Facebook, Linkedin, and Twitter are all good for my business. My blog also helps the cause of promoting my writings. But what will happen once the newness wanes? Notice that the elder statesman of the group, MySpace, was not mentioned earlier.
Where is it all leading to? For one, the change in retail purchases has cause part of our current economic downturn. Less brick and mortar businesses means more commercial property vacancies including shopping malls. The Internet has allowed us to shop more efficiently and the social networking site are making it even easier to promote our products to exactly who we want. For example, Amazon knows my taste in books because of technology. Our country may have thousands of unneeded buildings because of the Internet and social networking(marketing) will only add to the power of online commerce.
The current sites will get old to us but some new way of contacting each other via the web will always remain. In the past businesses could only dream of being this close to their customers. Now it is a reality. So while Twitter or Facebook may not survive, the concept of personal interaction will. The game is still the same - to bring your cow to the market and fetch the best price. However, the place of the market has turned from physical to virtual. Expect more empty stores in your community because e-commerce just got a shot in the arm in the form of these networking sites.
To learn more, go to and purchase my book, The Six Common Small Business Failures.

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