Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Why Follow?

Yesterday's blog was aimed at managers that fail to lead. Today we ask why are most managers ineffective leaders. There are three primary reasons for this.

  • Leadership traits must be learned

The traits of a leader can be picked up as a child but nonetheless they must be picked up. People do not naturally know how to cope with those placed under their watch. However, observation is probably the best teacher of leadership principles.

  • Colleges produce followers

I learned a lot in college. But how to lead people through the trenches of business comes from the school of hard knocks. In editing my book, The Six Common Small Business Failures, I found that college grads are limited in their view of how to write, talk, and think in business. It was as if their is only one way of expressing one's self. This strict approach to business makes 'like-minded' thinking possible. Colleges teach us how to please our leaders (professors, then bosses) by any means neccessary. Friction usually rises in business settings where college grads and common employees attempt to work together. The college grads conform to company standards while common workers tend to use common sense.

  • Organizations like followers

It is well known that upper management will make the key decisions. I do not have a problem with that at all. But, the input of every employee should be sought after. This is not the case however. Mid-level managers squash the enthusiasm of common employees by not listening to them. Listen leaders, every person wants to be listened to! A fancy title doesn't make an idea better. Ideas for innovation can and do come from the wierdest places (and people)!

True leaders are not scared of being 'outsmarted' by their staff. Leadership wants the best for their organization, period. Business failure can be avoided but it takes a team dedicated to success; not just a group of followers.

Frederick Jones

Noverhead Publishing




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