Wednesday, September 2, 2009


Hello everyone. I wanted to keep you updated on what is happening with me and my book, The Six Common Small Business Failures. Life is good. The book is being received well. I plan to have my book available everywhere shortly. I picked up a business book that happens to be a best-seller. I read a chapter then read a chapter of mine. I liked mine better. I am biased, so let me know what you think. I truly believe that when the right celebrity or public figure reads my book, they may ignite a spark of interest that may lead to best-seller status! God bless you.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

A New Me

Every day I try to become better. But today is different. Today is special. I decided to stay focused on my overall goal of building my author platform (those who are fans of my writing). Ten years from now, I will be able to easily convince people to read my offerings. I will not worry about present circumstances. I will WIN! I am currently writing my next two books and I am enjoying the journey. Also, the shelf life of The Six Common Small Business Failures will be longer than the average business book. It may very well be before its time. The fight will continue. It feels like I have to convince each person to try my book. This convincing will subside as my platform builds. Don't wish me luck because luck will not have anything to do with my success - God will mold me into what He wishes me to be.
This was a little pep talk for me. I apologize for involving you all. Pep talks work well with hard work. I have done the first, now it is time to work!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Busy As A Bee

Hello everyone. Just wanted to drop a quick note. Although we get busy, we need to understand the importance of time management. Handle your time as if you cannot get it back, because you can't!

Sunday, August 16, 2009


For the past four weeks, I have had the opportunity to speak to my church, the West Jacksonville Church Of God In Christ. Each week I talk briefly on each failure identified in my book, The Six Common Small Business Failures. This week the topic was Failure #5, untruthfulness.

We have all heard the expressions, "If you are not cheating, you are not trying" or "Nice guys finish last". Strong business leaders do not need to cheat, lie, or be mean in order to win in business. We must realize that it does matter how we 'play the game'. Our youth need to have role models in business that possess courage, determination, and integrity.

Business is about building relationships. Yet lies tear down relationships. Can you see the problem with lies? Lies can (and do) tear down years of positive, truthful behavior. One lie can make someone not trust you ever again. There is indeed power in the words we speak (and write).

Smart business leaders tell the truth and demand that everyone in and around their organizations do the same. We should 'underpromise and overdeliver' as a rule of thumb. If your company cannot do something that is asked of it, just say so. The truth may not always be appreciated but is always the best way to go. Lastly, we do not have time nor the ability to remember every thing that we say or do. If only true statements are used, it is easy to recall them. The truth will stand the test of time. The truth will set you free! God bless you.

Frederick Jones

Noverhead Publishing

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Feeling Good

Hey everybody!
I just wanted to drop a quick note letting you know that all is well. I have no deep business insight today, only encouragement and well-wishes. God bless you!

Frederick Jones
Noverhead Publishing

Friday, August 7, 2009

The Energy of Leadership

Have you ever heard the expression that energy can not be created not destroyed? Actually, the law of conservation of energy says that in an isolated system energy can only be changed i.e. kinetic energy to thermal energy. In business, leaders should understand that if we put a great amount of "human equity" - blood, sweat, and tears, we will get a great amount of movement in return. Notice that a positive outcome is NOT guaranteed. The key is to put wisdom and energy together to obtain a fruitful result.

Organizations are isolated systems in this scenario. Meaning, if great people are in the system, and they have great ideas, these ideas can have two affects. One, they can be implemented - leading to new products, technologies, and ultimately new revenue streams. Secondly, they can be squandered - leading to negative forces such as stagnation, employee burnout, and possible failure. It is the job of leaders to squeeze every ounce of positive energy out of everyone in the system including ourselves. If not, that energy turns negative naturally.

Business champions - great business leaders - understand the importance of using all resources for the advancement of the organization. There is energy in our systems. We must use this energy wisely. God bless you!

Frederick Jones

Noverhead Publishing

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Moving Forward

Hello everyone. Just a quick note to let you know that all is well. I will be writing my next book so there will be fewer blog entries. If you have something to say, I will use it as a guest post. Part of this journey is having the ability to prioritize and writing less on one hand so that I can further my writing career on the other is using my time more effectively. Please keep sending your comments and encouraging words as they fuel me. God bless you!

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Book Business

Hello readers. I am taking this time to keep you current on the events of yours truly, Frederick Jones, and Noverhead Publishing. First, Noverhead Publishing is currently working on its distribution network. We aim to make our books available nationwide in all bookstore chains. In addition, we plan to make our first offering, The Six Common Small Business Failures, available in hundreds of independent bookstores.

Frederick Jones has the following book signings scheduled:

  • Gateway Bookstore, 5238-22 Norwood Ave., Jacksonville, FL 32208 on Saturday, August 1, 2009 from 12 noon-2pm

  • Border's, 8801 Southside Blvd., Jacksonville, FL 32256 on Sunday, August 30, 2009 from 2pm-4pm

  • San Marco Bookstore, 1971 San Marco Boulevard, Jacksonville, FL 32207 on Saturday, September 12, 2009 from 10am-2pm

Please continue to leave comments and/or email me with encouraging words. God bless you!

Frederick Jones

Noverhead Publishing

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Networking Counts

With so many things to do, leaders often forget the importance of networking. We think to ourselves, 'I know the people that I need to know'. But I view networking a little differently than most consultants. Instead of a 'what's-in-it-for-me' attitude, we should consider how much we can help other entrepreneurs with our list of professionals. We should attempt to help others and, by doing that, indirectly become the 'guy' - the man or woman that knows all of the right people.
The Six Common Small Business Failures is a book of many subjects written by yours truly. I wanted to convey the general message that businesses, products, and services are all created to fill needs. But as we fill one need other opportunities arise and the need to be the 'guy' is always there. While it is great to be an expert in your field, it is also great to be the 'guy' that can get concert tickets that were sold out months ago.
By helping people get what they want, we become successful. People tend to depend on the 'guy' for more than just one service. The 'guy' in turn becomes a local celebrity in his own right - able to move mountains in business or socially. Our job is to become the 'guy' while leading our organizations. Ready? Set? Let's go!

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Family Time

I had a great time this weekend. I laughed and joked like a teenager! My mom and sister visited me so my neglected my blog last week. However, I have been busy in the book business by signing a distribution deal, speaking at my church (three weeks and counting), and selling books. I am back so look forward to new and exciting topics.

Take a look at my website, God bless you!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Why Follow?

Yesterday's blog was aimed at managers that fail to lead. Today we ask why are most managers ineffective leaders. There are three primary reasons for this.

  • Leadership traits must be learned

The traits of a leader can be picked up as a child but nonetheless they must be picked up. People do not naturally know how to cope with those placed under their watch. However, observation is probably the best teacher of leadership principles.

  • Colleges produce followers

I learned a lot in college. But how to lead people through the trenches of business comes from the school of hard knocks. In editing my book, The Six Common Small Business Failures, I found that college grads are limited in their view of how to write, talk, and think in business. It was as if their is only one way of expressing one's self. This strict approach to business makes 'like-minded' thinking possible. Colleges teach us how to please our leaders (professors, then bosses) by any means neccessary. Friction usually rises in business settings where college grads and common employees attempt to work together. The college grads conform to company standards while common workers tend to use common sense.

  • Organizations like followers

It is well known that upper management will make the key decisions. I do not have a problem with that at all. But, the input of every employee should be sought after. This is not the case however. Mid-level managers squash the enthusiasm of common employees by not listening to them. Listen leaders, every person wants to be listened to! A fancy title doesn't make an idea better. Ideas for innovation can and do come from the wierdest places (and people)!

True leaders are not scared of being 'outsmarted' by their staff. Leadership wants the best for their organization, period. Business failure can be avoided but it takes a team dedicated to success; not just a group of followers.

Frederick Jones

Noverhead Publishing

Monday, July 20, 2009

Most Managers Are Not Leaders

I get to meet to a lot of people. This is a good thing because new conversations energize me. Well at least most of the time they do. My problem lies with the mid-level managers that I encounter. They tend to drain me. While competitive, they only compete for job security or image. These are some of the most educated individuals in our society yet they do not innovate, create, or change anything. They are gatekeepers. Their goal is to keep upper-level management happy, not to make a better organization.

In my book, The Six Common Small Business Failures, I talk about the insecurities of some leaders in that they will not allow their employees to actually THINK. Most managers are intimidated by people who think differently than them. The term 'like-minded individuals' should raise red flags within a company but instead it is a sought after mindset. This 'don't-rock-the-boat' mentality is a sign of future problems. Failure at the Fortune 500 level can be hidden by acquiring companies or number manipulation but, trust me, failure is inevitable with like-minded thinking.

I wondered why it was so hard to sell my book to the very people that it was intended to help. Well the reason is because most managers are not leaders. They are scared and simply trying to keep a job. This economic environment is the first step to a new way of thinking for leaders and employees. Times are changing and the true leaders will rise up.

I will stay on this topic all week so feel free to add to this discussion. Email me at or leave a comment below. God bless you.

Frederick Jones

Noverhead Publishing

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Testimonials Needed

Can you help me? I need positive statements concerning my book, The Six Common Small Business Failures. You know, the ones that you see on the back of books that entice people to buy it! Please email your comments to or use the comment section below. Also, be sure to brag a little. State any titles, achievements, or credentials that will give your statement more punch. If you haven't read the book but would like to, go to and pick up a copy. Thank you.

Frederick Jones

Noverhead Publishing

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

The Future of Social Media

I am hooked. Facebook, Linkedin, and Twitter are all good for my business. My blog also helps the cause of promoting my writings. But what will happen once the newness wanes? Notice that the elder statesman of the group, MySpace, was not mentioned earlier.
Where is it all leading to? For one, the change in retail purchases has cause part of our current economic downturn. Less brick and mortar businesses means more commercial property vacancies including shopping malls. The Internet has allowed us to shop more efficiently and the social networking site are making it even easier to promote our products to exactly who we want. For example, Amazon knows my taste in books because of technology. Our country may have thousands of unneeded buildings because of the Internet and social networking(marketing) will only add to the power of online commerce.
The current sites will get old to us but some new way of contacting each other via the web will always remain. In the past businesses could only dream of being this close to their customers. Now it is a reality. So while Twitter or Facebook may not survive, the concept of personal interaction will. The game is still the same - to bring your cow to the market and fetch the best price. However, the place of the market has turned from physical to virtual. Expect more empty stores in your community because e-commerce just got a shot in the arm in the form of these networking sites.
To learn more, go to and purchase my book, The Six Common Small Business Failures.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

What About The Very Small Business?

Business magazines love to brag about how they are the voice of small business. But we must have different definitions of the word small. They focus on subjects such as payroll financing, venture capital, headhunters, and TV ad campaigns. What about the 'micro' businesses? You know, the one employee, mom and pop operation looking for advice and camaraderie.
Well, this is where I can help. My book, The Six Common Small Business Failures, as well as this blog was created to help the 'micro' companies compete and grow.
I want this blog to be an interactive destination for us - the very small business owners. Far too often we are talked to as if we are dumb. We get simple 'how to' babble while the more established entrepreneurs get legitimate insight and thoughtful written conversation. We only get told what to do while the big guys are asked, consulted, or suggested to.
My vision for this site is to use our energy to spark great conversations - the ones that add value to our businesses and our lives. So spread the word that we have a refuge - a place for the very small business leaders!

Monday, July 13, 2009

A Truthful Leader

Leaders are the source of encouragement among its people. Just as parents attempt to show their children the right path, so should business leaders show their surrounding interest proper conduct. Did you notice that I did not only say employees? This is because everyone tends to notice our conduct. Leaders that demand truthful behavior around them makes a bold statement to suppliers, salespeople, competition, and government agencies as well as its own workforce. So in this brief writing, I would like to remind some and tell others to be a leader with high moral standards. Of course, this is unless you want your people to think that bending the rules is acceptable.

Messages are sent to others in our walk, talk, facial expressions, and so on. Therefore, honesty needs to be portrayed in every mannerism we have. We must talk the talk as well as walk the walk.

The benefits of truthful behavior are not always apparent to business leaders. But we should remember the thousands of ‘white collar’ criminals in jail as well as the purposes in business – to make money while enhancing the world we live in. Our goal is to make an HONEST living by providing quality products and services to our customers. A truthful leader has a much better chance to succeed than a scam artist. Nice people can and do finish first. God bless you!

Frederick Jones
Noverhead Publishing

Thursday, July 9, 2009

The Four Components of Business

We have thousands of thoughts that run wildly through our minds. Well, I needed a way to organize my business thoughts as well as my writings. I developed the Four Components of Business system. This system allows me to place my emphasis on each area as needed. The four components are management, marketing, financial, and legal. I challenge each of you to find a business topic that can’t be ‘shoehorned’ into one of the four components. For example, shrinkage (theft of inventory) is put into the management section but could be spoken of in the financial section. I choose management because rules should be put in place immediately, by management, to prevent shrinkage from occurring. But it affects finances also. It has to be accounted for due to its negative impact on the bottom line. So it is obvious that my theory is not perfect but it does work. With all of the business chores to be done, it helps to have a way to organize one’s thoughts. I set all tax and regulatory matters in the legal section and I think of these issues only when it is time to ‘open the legal component box’. This system actually helps prevent wondering whether all of the tasks of the day are done. Not worrying yields peace which then allows for creativity to be maximized.I use these same components when conducting meetings. An ideal meeting should have a brief introduction, discuss each thought in the management component section, then review each remaining component, and lastly a overview and action plan conveyed by the leader of the meeting. Good meetings are the sole responsibility of leaders and bad meetings can ruin the creativity and organization of a company.The Four Components of Business system works. Organization is an admirable trait that business champions possess. However, organization can be learned. Try this system and let me know how it works. It is used throughout my book, The Six Common Small Business Failures. You can reach me via email at

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Ready To Succeed

A few weeks ago, I put together a PowerPoint presentation just in case any speaking engagements came my way. Well, one lunch with a prominent leader led to two invitations to speak about my book, The Six Common Small Business Failures...and how to avoid them! - one of which I cannot attend. Nevertheless, I would be in trouble if I had not prepared myself (my mind particularly).
Today's message is to be ready for opportunities. Positive thinking helps us to see the need to be ready even if the phones are silent and the Inbox is empty. Great leaders use idle time to prepare for the busy times. Honestly, I do not know if I am or ever will be a great leader. All that I try to do is imitate great leaders and good things happen. To learn more about champions - or great business leaders, be sure to purchase my book at
Frederick Jones

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Planning Is Free!

People often look at me strangely because I research business ideas with many questions unanswered. Questions such as
  • Can you get financed for this venture?
  • Do you have the ability to operate this business?
  • Where would you find staff members for such a strange operation?

It is good to plan with a creative mind. Currently, I am researching a opportunity that would involve millions of dollars. No worries. It is not costing me a dime to jot down my ideas, ask a few questions, or create "what if" scenarios.

Don't let naysayers discourage your creativity. Good plans, like good companies, can stand the test of time. So if it takes ten years before an idea becomes a reality, so be it! Besides, planning can be a fun way to stimulate your brain while working a boring yet well paying job.

Frederick Jones

Noverhead Publishing

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Do You Make This Marketing Mistake?

You have the right product. The research has been done and the findings are promising. You have defined your target market and you know just how to reach them. Yet something is terribly wrong. Marketing is the process in which we figure out how to put our offerings in the proper place for consumers to react to them. Several mistakes are made during this courtship. But there is one mistake that is made over and over again yet is so preventable.

What is the mistake? Simply put, we do not listen to our customers. We talk about everything from innovations to affordability. But we do not appreciate the words of wisdom given to us daily by the very people who keep us in business. In my book, The Six Common Small Business Failures, arrogance is discussed in detail. Arrogant behavior does not allow us to listen because we think that we know it all. Businesses exist to fulfill needs. And the best way to understand the needs of our customers is to listen to our customers. Listening is an admirable and humble trait.

But it does not stop at the customers. We have to listen to market conditions as well as our own knowledge gained from previous shortcomings. Listening to our mentors, advisors, and most importantly, our God is necessary for business success also. We can be keenly aware of our best next move if we only listen.

We have two ears so let’s use them. We should listen in an attempt to relate to others. Building relationships is the backbone of business growth. I can listen and learn from my customers (you!), so contact me via email at

Frederick Jones
Noverhead Publishing

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

When Will The Recession End?

When will America officially emerge from the current recession? I wrote an article on this subject in January, 2009. This article concentrated on who will lead us out of this economic downturn. In addition, The Six Common Small Business Failures reminds us that temporary situations should not ruin businesses. Proper planning encourages leaders to operate within proper financial parameters, thus preparing the business for hard times. For the record, poor planning is Failure #1 in my book!

I don't know when we will emerge from this mess. I think that it will be sooner rather than later. My job is to be prepared for opportunities that present themselves to me as well as my company, Noverhead Publishing. I hope that you do the same.

Thank you for your time. Please keep the comments and emails coming.

Frederick Jones

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Learning Never Ends

One trip to the library leads to another one. A visit to a library is on my agenda today. I plan to come out of the unassuming building a better businessperson than when I enter. I love going to places in which a feel better when I leave. Examples include churches, libraries, museums, and even zoos.
The only requirement needed to learn from my book, The Six Common Small Business Failures, is that a person should be attempt to become a better person.
Thanks for the feedback from yesterday and please keep the questions coming!

Monday, June 29, 2009

Business Questions

Do you know what would be a good idea? If we could have a great Q and A session on Friday July 3, 2009. So here it is - our chance to interact. Questions can be based on any business and/or leadership subject. For example, business failures are of interest to me so that would be a good start. In my book, The Six Common Small Business Failures, I spoke on the importance of a business plan. However, a question comes to mind.

"Who should the business plan be written for?"

Email your question to or leave them in the comment section.

Frederick Jones

Noverhead Publishing

Friday, June 26, 2009

Social Networking

Hello everyone,

The "Jack And The Social Media Beanstalk" seminar was held today at the lovely University Club here in Jacksonville, Florida. I did pick up a few tricks but, more importantly, the conversation led me to two points.

First, time management is even more important due to these new communication avenues. I do not want to waste time designated for business on catching up with old friends. We all are going to need to be more disciplined as it pertains to time.

Secondly, I wondered how things would change if one of the major Internet powers were to fold. What if Google went under? Technology is great but businesses can and do survive without blogs, Twitter accounts, or SEO (search engine optimization).

Have a great weekend and remember to leave a comment before you go!

Frederick Jones

Thursday, June 25, 2009

The Six Common Small Business Failures

Hello everyone,
This is just a brief reminder that a great book is available. My masterpiece can be purchased at
I will be attending a seminar here in Jacksonville, Florida called Jack And The Social Media Beanstalk. I hope to make this blog better by using the tips learned from this meeting.
I would also like to thank all of you that support this blog. You will be able to say to the masses, "I was reading Frederick Jones' blog when he wasn't a household name!"
Talk to you tomorrow!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

A Better Person

June 24, 2009

A Better Person

I woke up early this morning, about 3:45a.m. I caught up on reading library books and then came over to the computer. This is why I have and will succeed (in one early morning nutshell); I will not stop trying to become a better person.

Success is not defined by how much stuff we accumulate. In contrast, champions or great business leaders show their true worth when resources seem scarce. My definition of success is tied to the effort that it takes to accomplish something. For example, if I make one call and get a positive result, that is fine. But when it takes creativity, effort, and persistence to complete a task, a special feeling of gratification fills me.

As stated in “The Six Common Small Business Failures”, entrepreneurs are to strive to become better businesspeople and humans – champions. This is one of the reasons why this blog and my book exist. Becoming a better person takes effort. Sometimes that means dragging yourself out of bed. Other times it may mean fighting through adversity. Let’s enjoy the path to becoming champions.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

A Fresh Start

June 23, 2009
A Fresh Start
This blog writing is very new to me. What I like most about it is that, after I pray, I face a blank computer screen. And I usually mumble to myself, “I have a fresh start.”

Entrepreneurs do not realize the opportunity of doing it right the first time. By it I mean starting a new venture or project. “The Six Common Small Business Failures…and how to avoid them!” by Frederick Jones discusses how all business failures can be avoided at the beginning of a venture. They say that the most common business failure is undercapitalization. However, this is a result of poor planning at the outset of operation.

There is little mystery in today’s business world. We must do our due diligence before the virtual or real doors open. This includes researching the successes and failures of other businesses. A fresh start is a blessing and an opportunity to do it right. God bless you.

Frederick Jones
Noverhead Publishing

Monday, June 22, 2009

Remember The Prize

Frederick Jones
Noverhead Publishing

Hello everyone. As a brief public service, I would like to remind you that life without happiness is meaningless. Yesterday was Father's Day and what a beautiful day it was. It was not a perfect day but beautiful nonetheless.

In business, there will be setbacks, roadblocks, and obstacles. The journey is to be enjoyed during good times and bad. And remember, people are watching our actions and reactions so watch how we conduct ourselves. I will enjoy this day and make it productive no matter what. Failure can be defined in many ways. However, not appreciating life may be the biggest failure of all.

Friday, June 19, 2009

$5 Coffee Anyone - Not Anymore!

As promised, this is a guest post from Bethany North. Join me at Border's Books Saturday June 20,2009 at 1p in Jacksonville, Florida. The address is 10300 Southside Blvd, Jacksonville, FL 32256. Have a great weekend.
How are Coffee Drinkers Affected by the Economy?
Good question! You may think that the economy is only affecting the state of the workforce, but coffee drinkers everywhere are feeling the hit. Gone are the leisurely days of standing in long lines at Starbucks and spending five bucks a pop on a venti mocha frappaccino because it is starting to really add up. If you do the math, and you spend five dollars per day on a coffeehouse drink for a year, that is $1825. Shocking! Especially if you are someone looking to cut costs and budget during these economic times. If you take even a fraction of that lump sum, then you can put it toward a premium home espresso maker, like the La Pavoni Napolitana, which retails at $599.99. That is about a third of the cost of your yearly coffee habit! Or, check out the DeLonghi Caffee Nabucco Coffee/Espresso Machine for $79.99 because it actually gives you a 2-in-1 option to either brew coffee or brew espresso on the same machine. That is an amazingly budget friendly device that will save you so much money at a small cost.
Just looking at these examples of expert home coffee brewing technologies will help you to understand why more and more Americans are following the trend of starting to brew coffee at home to save money while the economy is down. Besides the fact that you are keeping dollars in the bank, you also have the added convenience of perfecting your coffee brewing skills, as well as no longer having to wait in a long drive through line at Starbucks on the way to work. Win-win!
For some amazing flavored coffee beans to enjoy in your home coffee brewing, you can find them at The Coffee Bump! I encourage you to explore all of the in-depth flavors and varieties available to you to brew at home, not only for your coffee drinking pleasure, but to save you money as well! Every cup that you drink at home can be another dollar in your kid's college fund... Brilliant.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

The Poem of a Champion

June 18, 2009
The Poem of a Champion!
As we discussed yesterday, there are seven traits that great business leaders or champions possess. This poem highlights each attribute. We will discuss each quality at a later time.

Learners and Listeners gain wisdom,
Motivators and Adapters change things,
Sellers and Confident Leaders attract people,
And Humble Leaders bring humanity and class into a cold, harsh business world

Be sure to check back with us tomorrow as we will have a guest blog post by Bethany North, co-owner of The Coffee Bump!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

I'm A Champion!

June 17, 2009
I’m A Champion!
You will notice the term “champion” being used throughout this blog. But what is a business champion? A champion is someone who is a productive business leader that is successful according to their personal definition of success. The last part of the previous sentence is important because people define success differently. Even my definition of success has changed over the years. When I was younger, success was defined in dollars and cents. Now I have a greater appreciation of family, religion, and peace so these things are more important than money. A champion can drive the same old car or live in a small house yet enjoy the confidence of a champion.

In my book, “The Six Common Small Business Failures”, I examined the seven positive traits that business champions possess. I will begin to discuss the seven traits of a champion tomorrow but I would like for you to guess some of the positive attributes. Please leave your answer in the comment section. If you have already read the book, you should know the answers. Nonetheless, I challenge each one of you to respond via the comment section.

To purchase the book, go to .Remember, we must enjoy the journey! God bless you!

Frederick Jones
Noverhead Publishing

Monday, June 15, 2009

The Book

June 15, 2009
The Book
My book, The Six Common Small Business Failures, has been receiving good reviews but I need for your help. If you have read the book, let me know what you think. You can email me at to leave a review, an endorsement, or a personal testimonial. If you have not read the book, shame on you! Just kidding! Feel free to pick up your copy at . Thanks for your help.

by Frederick Jones

Friday, June 12, 2009

NO does not mean STOP!

June 12, 2009
NO Does Not Mean STOP!

This simple business concept is in the book, “The Six Common Small Business Failures”. But I have to do what I say in that I have heard NO more lately than I could ever dream of. It is like pulling teeth trying to get business owners to read a book design to help them. “I have been in business for a while so I don’t need to learn about failure!” is what I hear. My response is that the leadership of now bankrupt General Motors probably thinks the same way.
Despite the numerous rejections we must still press forward with our eyes on the prize. I have detailed goals that I laid out in my business plan. I will succeed and I do not think that it is bragging or arrogant to say so.
So how do we, as leaders, make our goals become real? By pressing forward through any and all obstacles, that is how. My wife calls the same company to talk with a different person and gets her desired answer. We should use this technique. Also, let’s make sure that we are talking to the right person; you know the person that actually has the power to YES! Employees are often trained to say NO instead of contacting the decision-maker.
Great business leaders or champions do not take “NO” for an answer. They regroup, revise, and try again. Determination is a key to business success. It is far more important than the widget we are peddling. Let’s keep pushing forward champions!

Frederick Jones
Noverhead Publishing

Thursday, June 11, 2009

June 11, 2009
Lead By Example

(Fred Jones) In this turbulent economy, great leaders must shine as a beacon of light. Business champions are disciplined enough to still smile, communicate, or reprimand while facing serious obstacles. Times are tough. Our workers are looking to us work and learn as rumors swirl and layoffs hang over everyone’s head. Look, we are not trying to re-create ourselves here. No. We are simply staying the course while showing professionalism and dedication to the organization; even if the foundation of the organization is shaky. These are unique times. However our people do not need to see unstable leadership; we may be the only calming factor around for our employees. Anyone can lead when times are fruitful, but who can lead when the harvest is lost? I say that we can; the business champions!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Welcome to Let's Talk Business - a unique conversation about small business in the US.

7749 Normandy Blvd. #145-355, Jacksonville, FL 32221 – – (904)755-6378

News Release News Release News Release News Release
Contact: Frederick Jones
Phone: 904.755.6378
Noverhead Publishing Introduces New Book to Market

Noverhead Publishing, a new publishing house based in Jacksonville, Florida, announces its first offering to the media. The business book entitled “The Six Common Small Business Failures” is now available at The 160 page paperback was written by Frederick Jones. Frederick is a long time entrepreneur and first time author. His blunt yet humble writing provides fresh insight to an overlooked subject.
Business failures happen every day yet this is one of few books that tackle this subject. Furthermore, in this economy, many businesspeople are striking out on their own after being fired or laid off. This is to say that some people do not have an entrepreneurial spirit needed to survive in business.
The Six Common Small Business Failures is a unique business writing that focuses on pitfalls that face today’s business leaders. Uncommon business subjects such as greed, laziness, and arrogance are discussed in detail. “Anyone remotely interested in business or leadership NEEDS to read this book!” Frederick explained.
Frederick Jones, a native of St. Louis, Missouri, currently lives in sunny Jacksonville, Florida with his lovely wife Glenda Jones. His diverse business background includes union experience, retail ownership, and corporate management. Frederick’s current interest includes owning and operating Noverhead Publishing as well as promoting his book.
Title: The Six Common Small Business Failures
Author: Frederick Jones
ISBN: 978-0-579-00859-2
Category: Business/Leadership
Length: 160 pages
Retail price: $17.95
Binding: 6”X9” trade paperback