Monday, July 20, 2009

Most Managers Are Not Leaders

I get to meet to a lot of people. This is a good thing because new conversations energize me. Well at least most of the time they do. My problem lies with the mid-level managers that I encounter. They tend to drain me. While competitive, they only compete for job security or image. These are some of the most educated individuals in our society yet they do not innovate, create, or change anything. They are gatekeepers. Their goal is to keep upper-level management happy, not to make a better organization.

In my book, The Six Common Small Business Failures, I talk about the insecurities of some leaders in that they will not allow their employees to actually THINK. Most managers are intimidated by people who think differently than them. The term 'like-minded individuals' should raise red flags within a company but instead it is a sought after mindset. This 'don't-rock-the-boat' mentality is a sign of future problems. Failure at the Fortune 500 level can be hidden by acquiring companies or number manipulation but, trust me, failure is inevitable with like-minded thinking.

I wondered why it was so hard to sell my book to the very people that it was intended to help. Well the reason is because most managers are not leaders. They are scared and simply trying to keep a job. This economic environment is the first step to a new way of thinking for leaders and employees. Times are changing and the true leaders will rise up.

I will stay on this topic all week so feel free to add to this discussion. Email me at or leave a comment below. God bless you.

Frederick Jones

Noverhead Publishing

1 comment:

Unknown said...

The statement you make today is so true. How dare a worker to think.